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Massey Enterprises


Voice talent, Macromedia Director (now Adobe), including Lingo programming, Adobe Photoshop and Premiere, and audio editing



This presentation launched my multimedia career.  My boss at the time, president of Massey Enterprises, was spending $60 per unit on mammoth notebook handouts that he gave away on sales trips.  I researched multimedia possibilities and told him we ought to consider digitzing his sales pitch and putting it on an interactive CD-ROM. Per unit cost dropped to less than $4 apiece.

The finished CD-ROM visited 100s of management offices for some of the world’s tallest buildings, illustrating the benefits Massey’s pre-fire planning/disaster prevention product line.

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The presentation tells a story, starting with an arresting summary of the dangers uniquely inherent in skyscraper architecture.  From there, it illustrates four scenarios, asking questions any fire department would need to know and demonstrating how the Massey Disaster Plan answers those questions.

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